Matteo Beretta


Holistic architecture that focuses on wellbeing.

Falkensteiner 5-star Hotel & Residences, Salò
Bellavista Clima Hotel, Trafoi
Eden Reserve Hotel & Villas, Gardone Riviera

Within a year of joining the studio, Matteo Beretta made a name for himself through his significant contribution to the pre-certification of Bellavista as a Clima Hotel, by developing a concept that harnesses the power of nature by creating semi-subterranean accommodation where the landscape becomes a protective envelope for the structure.

A testament to the seamless integration of architecture into the landscape, his work on 'Le Finestre' villas at Villa Eden Resort gave him further opportunity to show his ability to innovatively adapt to pre-existing landscape conditions, transforming an approved excavation into a new, vibrant design concept.

Underpinned by a commitment to sustainable craftsmanship and architectural innovation, Matteo’s design philosophy prioritises holistic wellbeing, combining individual comfort with environmental harmony. An approach that is vividly reflected in his current project, a hotel-residential complex in Salò for Falkensteiner, set in a botanical park on the shores of Lake Garda.

Instinctively seeking to incorporate elemental beauty into each project, Partner Matteo Beretta has been integral in developing the studio’s language that combines design, aesthetic, and narrative value to create spaces that have a story to tell.

Shortly after graduating in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Matteo joined Matteo Thun & Partners in 2008 where he quickly established his expertise in delivering sensitive hospitality and residential schemes. 

Matteo's philosophy places wellbeing at the heart of architectural practice, using holistic design to enrich the lives of individuals and communities alike.