Interior, Vigilius Mountain Resort

No cars, no noise, no stress.
The Vigilius Mountain Resort is a refuge where nature - and not man - is understood is the "creator". Wood and large expanses of glass are the construction elements. Inside and outside merge seamlessly. A pleasant symbiosis of modern design and comfort.

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Facts & Figures
  • Location
    Merano, Lana (IT)
  • Year
  • Client
    Private client
  • Services
    Architecture, Interior Design, Lighting Design
  • Building area
    11,500 m²
  • Rooms number
  • Status
  • 2016  Lignius Award
    2013  Geo Saison Hotels Ranking, Mountain Resort Category
    2006  Award Legambiente/Regione Lombardia
    2005  Panda d'oro Best Hotel Opened in the Year, WWF, Italy
    2004  Gala SPA Award
    2004  Wallpaper Design Award

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